“Little did Anne know when she went to bed that night that a zombie would rip her heart out a few hours later.” R.I.P. heroine. And R.I.P. book. Because that’s…
You find yourself arranging your desktop again, and obviously, you must get another cup of coffee before you can begin. When you go to the kitchen, you pass the…
Some of my email subscribers have asked me how they can turn their existing stories into boxed sets. While I imagined one way to do it, I never knew about…
Okay, she’s using swear words. A lot. But otherwise I find her content interesting. And I happen to agree with her, both on her views of Valentine’s Day, and on…
Kindle Shout Out Profits by Joshua Montoya and Marty Cooney is an ebook that shows you how you, as an author, can grow your list. I made a video review…
When you write fiction, do you use scenes and sequels? A scene consisting of Goal – Conflict and Disaster? I did that at first. Then I tried other structures, and…
I’ve found two books on Amazon about writing stories with a twist. I’ve read the first one, and it was good. I just spotted the second one now, and it…