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Have you found an interesting topic, but you don't know enough about it to write a nonfiction book?

"How Would it Feel to be Able to Write About ANY Nonfiction Topic You Choose?"

You're about to find out!

► How do you react when you think about writing a nonfiction book or product about a topic you know nothing about? With pain?

► Do you wish you could write and publish more nonfiction books, but it seems that the competition is steep in the categories where you have some knowledge?

► Are you slightly envious (maybe more than slightly) when you see new books appear in a hot category and you just wish you could write about such a thing at will?

► Is your gut-reaction pain rather than enthusiasm when you stumble across profitable opportunities?

If only…

Yeah, if only it was possible to be an expert on all topics.

That would mean that you could write a book, quickly, about any topic that has potential.

And potential comes and goes, so writing the book has to be fast.

Something is mentioned in the news… Everybody jumps to Amazon to check for a book to learn more about the topic. There’s your golden opportunity - if you can take it.

Or something is used in a movie… To be able to write a book about it would mean getting a piece of a big pie and making a lot of money fast.

You know that, right?

You can even find evergreen topics, with promising financial potential and huge popularity, but low competition.

The only thing is that you must be able to write about that topic.​

Do you feel up to it? Can you write about any topic, and write well, or is this something you struggle with?​


Hi, I'm Britt Malka, and I and I’m an ex-know-nothing writer.

I remember when I first started to learn about writing. It was in Denmark, back in 1994, and there wasn’t much material available.

One of the few writers who helped others follow in his footsteps was Finn Dreibek. He mentioned several times how he wrote his first book. It was about a topic he knew nothing about.

A publishing house asked him to write the book. He didn’t know anything about the topic, and yet he wrote the book, and it became a best-seller.

Can you even imagine doing that?

How awesome would it be if you could choose any topic you like and just
write about it?

Of course, you might not hit best-seller rankings with every book or info product, but the more you publish, the better your chances. You can agree to that, can’t you?

It took me many years of writing full-time to finally figure out the secrets of writers who can write about anything. As if they’d been experts all their lives.

And now I want to share what I've learned with you.​

Allow Me to Introduce...

How To Write About Any Topic Cover

In How to Write About ANY Topic, I’ll guide you through the process that will take you from knowing nothing to actually being able to sit down and write a book you can publish or an info product you can sell immediately.

Inside this quick read, you'll discover:

How to write for just one important reader who is the key to everything!

How to do quick research that only focuses on the important information and skips the rest - super fast!

A slick rewording "trick" to be able to quickly take what you find in research and put it into your own words for faster writing!

A really simple, yet highly effective way to come up with an outline before you write to make finishing even faster and painless!

This really does work for ANY TOPIC (nonfiction) that you can think of!

It took me quite a while to figure this out and develop it, but once you see it you'll be able to have the confidence to write about anything.

Don't you want to do that???

Now you can! Just click below and you'll be on your way to writing about any topic and cranking out books or products at will!

Click below to get
How to Write About ANY Topic
for only $22.95

Get How to Write About ANY Topic right now and start writing your book today!

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PS If you have questions or doubts about if this course can help you, let me know. Just click the link below to reach me on my support desk.

PPS Don't be limited any longer. Open up new opportunities to make money and build a large following of loyal readers and customers. This is the key to the treasure box!

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