Are You Struggling to Implement 'Show, Don't Tell?'

"Here's a Simple Solution to Help You Write Better Fiction"

Hi, I'm Britt Malka, and I've got something for you that I know will really help if you write fiction.

Everywhere I look, I see this writing advice: "Show, don't tell."

The first time I heard it, I thought, 'That makes sense.'

I mean, as a reader, I like it when the author shows character's experiences instead of just telling me what happened.

I enjoy being drawn into stories through action and a character's senses - what he or she sees, hears, smells, tastes, feels, etc.

It's just not as satisfying when I read a story where the author is constantly telling me "Joe felt sad" or "Jane got angry." Sure, that kind of telling should be in there sometimes, but other times I want to know what the character did that shows he or she felt that way.

I want Joe to turn away while his brothers pretend that they didn't see his eyes fill with tears. Maybe Jane's trembling is the only warning of her rage before she stabs someone.

OK, maybe not. Jane's just not that kind of character.

My point is that as a writer, I realized that I did sometimes use "show, don't tell" without even realizing it. But, when I actively tried to use it more often, I struggled. It didn't always seem natural.

I decided to find my own solution!

But it seemed that everywhere I turned I saw experienced writers being flippant about this particular piece of advice.

New writers would post their efforts, seeking feedback and advice, only to be waved off with nothing more than the pat suggestion, "Show, don't tell."

Experienced writers seem to live by this phrase, even if they don't take the time to explain it very well. I wondered if my struggles with it meant that I would never be successful as a fiction writer.

But I'm not one to give up, so I read everything I could get my hands on, going back to Ernest Hemingway and his obvious use of "show, don't tell."

And I practiced. A lot!

I was definitely getting the hang of when and how to use it, but there was one part of it that I still found awkward...

How to use 'show, don't tell' with facial expressions and body language

Some writers use "show, don't tell" with every single movement of every single character. I didn't like that at all as a reader, so I knew I wouldn't want to write that way.

It got really tiresome, reading about people's eyebrows moving all over their faces, as though they were little furry monsters acting out the plots of books.

But "show, don't tell" had worked so well for me with other parts of the writing. So, I dug in my heels and refused to give up.

I began making lists of facial expressions and body language that I could use in my writing to show instead of tell. Then I wrote down all of the times that I used them.

"Show, don't tell" works really well when it comes to facial expressions and body language!

So, I started making a careful list of all the things I could show instead of telling when I write fiction.

  • Anger
  • Shame
  • Sadness
  • Happiness
  • Boredom
  • Embarrassment
  • Empathy
  • Attraction
  • Fear
  • Determination
  • Surprise
  • Annoyance
  • Anxiety
  • Disbelief
  • Frustration
  • Amusement
  • Pride
  • Disgust
  • Contempt
  • Confusion

I have developed strategies for certain parts of my books to take full advantage of showing facial expressions and body language instead of simply telling that they're there.

I've also set guidelines to help me determine which characters need more showing and why.

And there are times in my stories when I avoid "show, don't tell" completely. The difference is that I no longer do so because it intimidates me.

Now, it's part of a better strategy. And I'm going to share it with you!

If you're tired of people telling you to "show, don't tell" without giving you details, including reasons and a strategy, I can help.


"Show, Don't Tell."

Inside, you'll discover:

  • How to effectively use facial expressions and body language to "Show, Don't Tell."
  • The problems with relying too heavily on "Show, Don't Tell" when it comes to face and body movement.
  • Tips for bringing face and body "Show, Don't Tell" into your writing WHEN and WHERE it naturally belongs.
  • Tips on how your newfound expertise can help you plot better.

I'll even give you my own personal lists of descriptions of facial expressions and body movements to show a host of different emotions!

- Janice Willingham
Fiction writer

Your show don't tell book is really good.

I’ve read other books on this topic and it is kinda hard to implement. Your book takes a huge subject and breaks it down into small chunks you can really understand and use for your writing.

It’s good to know that showing is not something that has to be done most of the time. I was under that impression, but your book has shown me that I can do it when necessary because as always, you have to keep the reader in mind. I know a lot of hard work went into it because of how specific the topic is discussed and the examples you furnish. It is a really good read.

Thank you.

You'll write faster and your readers will love the way your story flows!

We all just want to write books that readers will love, right?

Well, one of the best ways to achieve that goal is to tell stories that are smooth to read. And that means characters that do things that make it clear what they're thinking and feeling.

If you have to rely on the author to explain the characters' actions, it's unnatural and breaks up the flow of the action. Know what I mean?

I'm sure you do if you're an avid fiction reader, like I am!

That's all this guide is about, ultimately. It's just my own discoveries through a lot of trial-and-error. I made lots of notes, then turned them into this product I'm offering you today.

Best of all, I'm going to let you have it (as a reward for being on my list) dirt cheap.

How does $19.97 sound?

Heck, you spend more than that for one meal in a restaurant, right?

You've got nothing to lose and a lot to gain - especially if you've been struggling with too much telling and not enough showing in your fiction writing.

Click below to get "Show, Don't Tell (Sometimes)" strategy guide PLUS My Personal List of Facial Expressions and Body Language Descriptions for only $19.97

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PS If you have questions or doubts about if this course can help you, let me know. Just click the link below to reach me on my support desk.

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