Is this starter kit required to be able to use the method I describe in the ebook you just bought? No.
You will get my step-by-step method in full - I don't hold anything back. You should be able to do it just fine on your own if you take action.
But I created the worksheets and cheatsheets in this starter kit for my own use to help speed things along and keep my focused.
If you'd like to use the same 'shortcuts' to make writing books or info products easier & faster, add this starter kit to your order by clicking below.
Back in 1993, when I decided that I wanted to become a writer and took Fridays off to pursue my dream, my friends and family didn't understand.
Not only did people not understand - but I felt bad when I said "No" to them.
I didn't like hurting them. I hated that I disappointed my friends.
When the phone rang on Friday morning, I knew I had two options:
1. Say goodbye to writing that day.
2. Hurt or maybe anger my friend who wanted me to visit.
"Why are the dishes still dirty? You've been at home all day."
"Can you drive me to the supermarket? My husband has the car today."
"Are you writing your book? Fine, I just need five minutes."
All the above are real examples that writers have encountered.
In some cases, those questions hurt. They make us feel guilty - either over things we haven't done, or over things we don't want to do.
If you've focused on writing instead of doing the laundry, it makes you feel guilty.
If you say "No" to helping your friends, you feel bad - and guilty.
And if you give in and clean the house, help your friends and answer your son's questions, then it feels like failure. You've given up. You had this dream, but...
One day, you've had enough and you blow up in anger and frustration and really hurt your relationships.
That is not desirable.
Either for you or for your family and friends.
It would be all your fault, too. Nah, not all yours, because they should have understood your needs, of course. But most people don't. Not out of ill will, but simply because they don't understand.
My son is a good boy. Really.
When he was 8 years old, he had a friend who was kind of dominating.
Most of the time, my son allowed her to make the decisions.
One day, I overheard them chatting in his room. They were discussing an animated movie.
Suddenly I heard my son yelling. "NO! I tell you it was the dinosaur who did it first."
One minute later, he showed her to the door and asked her to leave.
Funny thing is that my son wasn't even right. It wasn't the dinosaur who did it first. But that didn't matter. To him it was just the famous last straw that made him blow up.
When there's too much steam in the kettle, sooner or later... BOOM!
And that explosion will always destroy friendships and relationships.
The eBook and accompanying audio file show you a simple way to deal with this problem without pushing your friends away and without exploding.
It's the best method you can use, because it saves your sanity, it allows you to write without disturbances, and you'll get to keep (most of) your friends and family as well.
This is the better solution for you as well as your environment.
Try it out. It's simple.
One of my former husband's students always kept her coat near the door.
When the door bell rang, she would grab her coat and if the unexpected visitor was somebody she didn't want to see, she said, "Oh, I'm sorry. I was just headed out the door."
If, on the other hand, the uninvited guest was somebody she would like to talk to, she said, "You're in luck. I just came back home."
As you can probably imagine, this method would only work a few times before arousing suspicion and causing grumpy friends.
My ex taught her three short sentences she should use instead.
The three magical sentences you'll learn on pages 10 and 11 hold the power to change your life and you can use them straight away.
You're right if you think that it's not that easy.
As you've probably noticed, if somebody wants your time, they don't easily give up.
They'll object. They'll try to convince you.
This is the critical point!
If you give in now, all is lost. But how do you keep your cool and stick to your decision?
Don't worry. It's not that complicated. In fact, there are a few more easy-to-learn sentences that deal with objections.
And no, you won't sound like a parrot. :)
You'll learn the three kind of objections people will use against you, and you'll learn how you can stick to your "No" and get some writing done.
I'll be honest with you.
In some cases, yes. It might ruin a "friendship" or two, but if your friends refuse to understand that writing is important to you, are they really friends?
Or are they parasites?
Real friends will understand.
And look at it this way...
If you keep letting them disturb you when you've planned to write, who will you blame? Do you think that in the long run that grudge is more likely to put a wedge between you and your friends?
Or if you keep your teeth clenched and keep saying "Yes" when you mean "No," do you think that the inevitable explosion won't harm your friendship?
I think so. It's either that, or it will ruin your health. Or both.
It's much better for all parties that you learn how to say "No" and learn how you can make your friends and family happy anyway.
An eBook with all the elements you need to finally have your needs met and allow you to write, even if you're not making any money with your writing right now.
This stuff really works! I was privileged to be the editor for “No! Mom’s Writing,” and as I worked on the words I couldn’t help absorbing the right-on-target message. As Britt and Cyril say inside its pages, writers need time and peace to write. A no-brainer, right? But… to get that peace we often have to say “no” to the people in our lives who interrupt us and steal our time for their own purposes, and that’s so hideously difficult for many of us to even THINK about doing that it makes us shudder and shy away. Result: They win.
I’ve struggled with this problem my whole life – but as a result of reading “No! Mom’s Writing,” I am happy to say that I was inspired to finally tackle it head on with not one but TWO close friends who (independently of each other) were guilty of hogging my time in large amounts on an ongoing basis. It wasn’t easy, but I did it, and I have Cyril and Britt to thank for putting me on the road to a freer and much less frustrating future. Thank you, Malkas, for helping me get my writing life back!
When you buy today, you'll get a quick cheat sheet to help you keep the method in mind at all times.
PS If you're hesitating then consider this: you can either learn how to say "No" and set limits the right way, or you'll most likely end up ruining friendships, splitting up families and harming your health. When you order "No! Mom's Writing" you're in good hands. This method has helped thousands of people to live a healthy life - with their friends and family.