Are you not seeing the sales you want for your nonfiction books?
"Warning: Do Not Read This Unless You Seriously Want More Loyal Readers and More Book Sales"
→ Do you struggle to come up with more than ONE big book idea in your genre?
→ Are you disappointed by your lack of loyal readers and repeat buyers?
→ Do you worry that it's too risky investing so much time and effort in one big book that may or may not bring you lots of sales?
I had the same problems - until I found the answer...
Hi, I'm Britt Malka, and I'd heard authors talk about creating book series for a long time. I'd even thought I could do a series of my own... someday. I figured it was something that I could always do later.
Meanwhile, I just kept trying to come up with one big, end-all be-all book that covered everything I could think of about my topic.
I had some loyal readers, but too many others didn't buy my new books. That really bothered me.
When one of my books sold well, I tried to figure out why.
The problem was, I'd said all I had to say about the topic in that one book. I hadn't left myself any room to continue or talk about something related to what attracted the buyers to that one book.
So I did the only thing I could at that point: I tried to think of books that I could write about different topics that my readers might like. But that's really risky. I was basically just guessing.
I ended up all over the map, and I was losing my reader fan base from that first book.
Something had to change
One day when I was buying a book from one of my favorite authors, I noticed that she had several books about different aspects of the same broad topic. A book series.
Then I noticed that each one of them in the series had gotten lots of reviews and high ratings.
That was my lightbulb moment!
Here I was thinking I needed to either cover the same information more than once, or go in a completely different direction. As though it had to be one or the other. I was so wrong!
Every time I wrote a new book, it was like I was starting all over again with my past buyers.
I was trying to sell to them from scratch on some new topic. Talk about beating my head against a wall!
I was looking for some complex reason why they weren't buying, but the simple answer was staring me right in the face all along!
They wanted new information directly related to the topic of the book they bought from me originally.
I was trying to draw them away from that topic. Of course my sales suffered!
I realized then why many experienced authors have book series. It's giving your readers more of what they want - more of what attracted them to you in the first place.
You want repeat buyers, more books, more sales. YOU NEED A SERIES. I can help you start one.
In Divide and Conquer, I will tell you how to DIVIDE your topic into a series and CONQUER your Kindle category.
►You'll know more about every topic - less research, faster writing.
►You'll establish yourself as an expert, which will give you more loyal readers.
Writing a series is actually FASTER and EASIER than writing e-books on completely separate topics.
Every topic can be divided into some kind of series.
I'm going to show you 8 easy ways to divide your topic.
I'm going to give you 14 ideas that can be used in any series.
If you already have a book, you can use those ideas to build a series around it.
I even give you multiple examples to make it easier for you to start your series.
How what you will learn from Divide and Conquer about book series will help you:
- A book series increases your exposure when potential customers search Amazon and other sites for books about your broad topic. More books = more chances to get new readers.
- Creating more books about the topic will make you more of an authority on the subject in readers' eyes. More authority = more buyers of your books.
- Each book in your series will target a specific audience within the broader topic, so those looking for specific answers will be more likely to buy the one book you offer that really focuses on their need.
- It's easier and faster to write a book series than to write the same number of books that are each about entirely different topics. You'll put out more books in the same amount of time.
- A book series can save you money. For example, if you pay for covers to be made for each book, having a series means you can simply use the same basic cover design and only pay to have it altered a bit each time (or pay nothing if you can make simple changes yourself). You won't pay as much as you would for a totally new cover from scratch for each book.
- Amazon will help promote your new books in a series by advertising to your past buyers. Having a related series helps you take full advantage of this free promotion work. Past buyers are more likely to buy from you again if you have more books on the topic that attracted them in the first place.
Here's what one happy reader had to say...
I bought this report out of curiosity. I've been writing nonfiction -- mostly for traditional publishers -- since the 1980s. I still write a lot of nonfiction, especially shorter books that I publish myself. So, in Britt's report, I didn't expect to learn much that's new to me.
Her report was a surprise. (That's an understatement.) It's not the same old "how to get 5 articles/books/videos out of one idea." Far from it.
I spent about an hour going through this report. Using Britt's suggestions, I produced a list of 28 short, nonfiction books (in one sub-niche) that I can write with little or no research. Many can be written in a single day. The others will take me three days at the very most.
Since her report is $18, that works out to about six cents per idea. Even better, these are GOOD book ideas... not just "sure, why not?" ideas. I won't be writing fluff, and I won't be repeating myself. Readers will like these books.
Once again, I'm impressed by how well Britt writes reports to spark fresh book ideas and insights. This report will pay for itself (in book profits) in less than a week... maybe much less. After that, I'm confident these books will continue selling for years. These are solid, evergreen book ideas, and -- when I checked my sub-niche -- only three (of the 28 ideas) have any competition at all.
If you're writing nonfiction (or have ever thought about it), you probably need this report.
Look, the truth is that you might well succeed by writing one long book in which you try to cover anything and everything about your topic.
It might sell, but probably not for as much as you'd want given the time and effort you put into it.
BUT... what then?
Besides the risk of overwhelming your readers with an encyclopedic book, you've given yourself nowhere to go!
You've given your readers everything you have to say on the topic, and you haven't left yourself any future book ideas.
All of your eggs will be in that one big basket. If you don't have a hit book on your hands, all that time and effort will have been wasted. It's a huge risk!
That's why book series are the better way to go. And that's exactly what I'm going to show you how to do inside Divide and Conquer.
This is a simple, short read that is full of ideas and examples - and no fluff.
If you read through Divide and Conquer and put the concepts into action, you'll have tons of ideas for great book series that are not just rehashings of the same stuff over and over.
You'll get more sales, more loyal readers, and more repeat buyers.
Click below to learn how to easily DIVIDE your topic into a series to CONQUER your niche for only $29.95
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Because of the nature of this product, all sales are final.
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